Zolix OTBB Series Ferromagnetic Stainless Steel Breadboard
Bread Boards and Tables

Zolix OTBB Series Ferromagnetic Stainless Steel Breadboard

Optical Breadboards  

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Model Model Platform size (mm) Price
OTBB33 -1 OTBB33 -1 300x300 PoR
OTBB36 -1 OTBB36 -1 300x600 PoR
OTBB39 -1 OTBB39 -1 300x900 PoR
OTBB312 -1 OTBB312 -1 300x1200 PoR
OTBB66 -1 OTBB66 -1 600x600 PoR
OTBB69 -1 OTBB69 -1 600x900 PoR
OTBB612 -1 OTBB612 -1 600x1200 PoR
OTBB615 -1 OTBB615 -1 600x1500 PoR
OTBB618 -1 OTBB618 -1 600x1800 PoR
OTBB99 -1 OTBB99 -1 900x900 PoR
OTBB912 -1 OTBB912 -1 900x1200 PoR
OTBB915 -1 OTBB915 -1 900x1500 PoR
OTBB918-1 OTBB918-1 900x1800 PoR
OTBB1212 -1 OTBB1212 -1 1200x1200 PoR
OTBB1218 -1-100mm OTBB1218 -1 (100mm thickness) 1200x1800 PoR


Optical Breadboards  


Ferromagnetic Stainless Steel Breadboard


Width: 50mm

Flatness: 0.1mm/600mmx600mm

Pitch: 25mmx25mm

Screw : M6

Weight : 11.5kg/300mmx300mm


Optical Tables datasheet

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